Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yet another holiday?

Barack Obama has just been elected as the next president of the United States. It is quite amazing that someone whose father was not American could become president.

There is great celebration in Kenya following Obama's win. Kisumu is celebrating. Chickens are being slaughtered and apparently even bulls are ending up in the cooking pot to commemorate this momentous event.

Even here in Naivasha people are excited about someone with links to Kenya getting into the presidency. In town the street vendors are selling American flags.

Everybody is speculating whether a public holiday will be announced tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened on the one hand, though it would shock me as well. After all, Kenya already has so many holidays! In October alone we had three public holidays.

An additional holiday will bode well for those who have their day's off paid. But it's a different matter entirely for contract labourers who will subsequently lose a day of pay. Around us people may be pleased about the election results in America, but they are definitely not happy that they will be unable to work tomorrow. When you have to count your schillings to survive, losing a day's wages hurts.

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