Monday, June 30, 2008

Deserted IDP Camp - Almost

A lot can change in a week yet sometimes not as much as one expects. The government had said all were to be out of the Kedong IDP camp by Sunday. That has clearly not happened though most have been able to take advantage of the free transport and have secured new living quarters elsewhere.

Where once there were 100s of tents,
now only a few remain.

Many of the IDP have returned to Naivasha town. Although there is still fear about returning to the areas which saw so much violence earlier in the year, it helps that there are now more members from other tribes in the community.

I was told by some of the stragglers left in the Kedong camp that the government was no longer providing free transport as everybody was to have left the camp by Sunday. This proved not to be the case, however, as I saw two army lorries arrive just as I was leaving. Transport to Naivasha town may no longer be available, but for those wanting to return to their homelands in the West of the country, they can still do so at the government's expense.

Some of the last camp inhabitants are still there, holding out to see whether they will get anything else from the government. That is unlikely as the flower farm which provided the security and water is preparing to dismantle the infrastructure which has not yet been destroyed or stolen. It is amazing how many things "disappeared" after the Red Cross left, and how many plastic bags suddenly appeared, blowing in the wind and getting trapped in the nearest thorn bushes.

My guess is that, besides those in the camp holding out for a better deal, many of those who will be left behind will be those too poor to move on or those with no options of where to go. I'll check back at the Kedong camp later in the week to see if there is anything we can do to help. I'm sure the living conditions will deteriorate very quickly now. They still had some water available but that will probably change very soon.

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